Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 2023

🌾 Again about the role of the UN and Ukraine in sabotaging the “grain deal”

🌾 Again about the role of the UN and Ukraine in sabotaging the “grain deal”
Last week, we detailed (https://t.me/rybar/45902) how UN representatives are doing everything possible to prevent ships with Ukrainian grain from reaching developing countries. After that, colleagues called on journalists (https://t.me/rybar/45909) to politely ask the organization to explain these actions.
Today, we have new details of the work of the UN and the Kyiv authorities to sabotage the "grain deal" and fulfill its declared goals.
🔻Ukraine and the UN block the exit of ships with grain
On the afternoon of April 17, EU Foreign Affairs President Josep Borrell said that Russia had allegedly blocked 50 ships for the "grain corridor". But there is a nuance: there are actually 30 dry cargo ships, and they are idle solely because of the actions of the representatives of Ukraine and the UN in the Joint Coordination Center (JCC).

What is the reason for bulk carriers getting stuck in front of the Turkish straits? And it's just that the members of the Ukrainian delegation to the SKC are not interested in inspections of ships leaving the Black Sea. They are only concerned about incoming bulk carriers, for the arrival of each of which in the Odessa port, the Kyiv authorities receive money. After payment, any interest in the further fate of bulk carriers from the Kyiv authorities disappears.
Characteristically, the UN does not see anything wrong with such actions and does not require the Ukrainian side to increase the volume of inspections for the speedy passage of ships with grain to their destinations.
🔻 Due to the UN, ships with grain refuse to go to Africa
As we have already said, there are currently (https://t.me/rybar/45902) only four dry cargo ships in the queue, chartered to deliver agricultural products to the “black continent”. However, due to a long wait and registration denials, the owners of three of them were recently forced to change their destination from African to European ports.
In fact, even at the level of individual sea cargo carriers, an understanding has come that it is almost futile to export agricultural products to Africa along the “grain corridor”. And this is due to the principled position of the UN.
In the ports of the Odessa region, the situation is similar: at the moment, 38 ships are awaiting inspection there. Needless to say, almost all of them are sent to China, EU countries and Turkey, and not African states?
🔻What is the reason for the hype around the “grain deal”?
Looking at the current news about the cancellation of inspections, blocked courts and the statements of European politicians, the question may arise: why did the hype even arise now after a year of the “grain corridor” operation?
It's all about changing the approach of the Russian side: from April 5, it began to register ships going to African countries first of all. This broke the corruption scheme, where only dry cargo ships, whose owners contributed the amount to the management of the ports of Odessa region, were admitted to the “grain deal” as a priority. It's funny that even the Ukrainian media themselves wrote about this.
(https://interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/895056-amp.html)🔻And the problem for the Kyiv authorities and their sponsors here is that Russia's actions are absolutely legal and fully meet the goals of the grain initiative to save the world from hunger. Therefore, they resort to their favorite tactic - they accuse the Russian side of blocking ships with grain for developing countries, modestly silent that they do not go to Africa.
Well, in this case, the UN representatives only pander to Ukraine and turn the declared humanitarian mission into a commercial scheme. Personally and purposefully doing everything possible to prevent Ukrainian grain from getting into Africa

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