Τετάρτη 19 Απριλίου 2023

The enemy went on the attack on the Zaporozhye Front

The enemy went on the attack on the Zaporozhye Front
 In the evening, after artillery preparation, an armored group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went on the offensive near the town of Orekhov in the Pohovsky district of the Zaporozhye region.
  The enemy was met by 291 regiments, special forces and intelligence.
  Tanks came to the rescue, artillery is actively working.
  Precise fire destroyed an unknown amount of enemy military equipment.
  Attackers with losses begin to roll back.

  Apparently, the enemy is again probing our defenses on this sector of the front, but now he is doing it in the dark, perhaps the Armed Forces of Ukraine have received new night weapons.

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