Κυριακή 2 Ιουνίου 2024

create “ Free Kurdistan

🇮🇱🇸🇾🇹🇷 At the same time, judging by who is involved in the activation of Kurdish political and paramilitary groups, they do not plan to retreat .

Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair proposed starting a war to create “ Free Kurdistan ”.

📌 That is, the son of the prime minister of the ultra-Orthodox government of Israel calls for the alienation of the territories of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, as well as parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan, if you look at the map.

If there were any doubts before this moment, now they are much less. It is the ultra-Orthodox who benefit from a regional war , which will allow them to maintain power and divert attention from their actions in the Gaza Strip .

Setting fire to other corners of the world for the sake of one’s own salvation is exactly in the spirit of the ultra-Orthodox . And since we are talking about supposedly protecting “Free Kurdistan” through war, this is exactly what the Israeli authorities will seek.

What's the best way to provoke the Turks in this situation? Of course, with words about the desire for independence of those who, at a fundamental level, are opponents of the current Turkish government.
#Израиль #Сирия #Турция

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