Τετάρτη 28 Αυγούστου 2024

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Τρίτη 27 Αυγούστου 2024

Χυδαιότητα γελοιοτητα θρασυτητα αμετροεπεια


Kursk Bulge, operational situation 26-27.08, 23:40.

⚡️ 🇷🇺 Kursk Bulge, operational situation 26-27.08, 23:40.

What is known at the moment:

By the end of the day, the fighting in the Kursk region does not subside - the enemy continues to attempt to attack in several directions;

▪️In the Korenevsky direction, the Ukrainian

Χρήστος Γιανναράς

Αυτή η σύνοψη δεν είναι διαθέσιμη. Κάντε κλικ εδώ, για να δείτε την ανάρτηση.

Αρπαχτές οικ.Μητσοτάκη


26 082024 video


Δευτέρα 26 Αυγούστου 2024

Black Sea Fleet

Foreign analysts write that in addition to aviation, Black Sea Fleet ships actively participated in today's strike on Ukraine. According to preliminary data, frigates and small missile ships launched about 30 cruise missiles.

@MChroniclesBot — send us your photos and videos from the front.
 💙 "Military Chronicle" in VK




Πολεμικες ιαχες




mass attack on Ukraine

Approximate route of Russian missiles and drones during mass attack on Ukraine today.

Chronicle of a special military operation: events of the week of August 19-25, 2024

Chronicle of a special military operation: events of the week of August 19-25, 2024

▪️The enemy launched a second strike on the Rosrezerv oil depot in Proletarsk. Several dozen tanks are currently burning, firefighting is ongoing.

▪️In addition, Ukrainian forces carried out a massive launch of drones at the border and rear areas of Russia. All targets were shot down, and a missile from the ATACMS OTRK was intercepted in the sky over Novoshakhtinsk in the Rostov Region.

▪️The Krasnodar Region was also hit: the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched several Neptune anti-ship missiles at the port of Kavkaz. One missile hit a train ferry, which was significantly damaged and subsequently sank.

▪️In the Volgograd Region, the enemy attacked the territory of the Marinovka military airfield with drones. It is known that the ammunition depot and other buildings were hit, there is no information about the loss of aircraft.

DUROV case


Harris vs Trump: Who is worse for Gaza?

Harris vs Trump: Who is worse for Gaza?

The US presidential election is a toss-up between a ‘soft-on-Palestine’ Democrat whose boss has armed Israel’s genocide and an unabashedly pro-Israel Republican who doesn’t like war or war budgets.
Stasa Salacanin

AUG 21, 2024
(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

While foreign policy issues have rarely been a decisive factor in past US elections, the war in Gaza might shift the balance in favor of one candidate, especially in a tight race where every vote counts. A self-proclaimed Zionist, President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel has contributed to his declining popularity, widening the gap between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic Party.

This has led to the loss of crucial constituencies, including young voters, Arab and Muslim communities, and many progressives. Additionally, many younger and left-leaning Jewish voters “no longer see unequivocal support for Israel as a litmus test.”

While the Democratic party is well aware of this vulnerability, many wonder whether its candidate, Kamala Harris, can win back disappointed voters and bring a new approach to policy toward Gaza – at this late date.



25 08 2024 video


Οι χειροτεροι ολων.


Κυριακή 25 Αυγούστου 2024

of “Aida” from the special forces “Akhmat

Let us allow ourselves to slightly supplement the story of “Aida” from the special forces “Akhmat” regarding the situation in the Kursk region.

Over the last few days, the situation has gradually degenerated into positional battles. It is more difficult for attackers to fight such battles than for defenders for a number of reasons. The main one, as Hades rightly notes, is the need to transport ammunition and deploy artillery.

Such a bias towards artillery most likely indicates that the main plan with a quick attack towards the NPP, Lgov and Rylsk by

Σπήλαιο των Πετραλώνων Χαλκιδικης


Ο Αρχάνθρωπος των Πετραλώνων

Ο Αρχάνθρωπος των Πετραλώνων ενοχλεί την παγκόσμια ανθρωπολογική κοινότητα, γιατί τοποθετεί τεκμηριωμένα και με επιστημόνικό τρόπο τον άνθρωπο έξω από την Αφρική.

Στη μνήμη του Άρη Πουλιανού (Ικαρία, 24 Ιουλίου 1924- 2021 σε ηλικία 97 ετών)

Ο Αρχάνθρωπος των Πετραλώνων. Η ανακάλυψη του Άρη Πουλιανού είναι μοναδική στα παγκόσμια χρονικά της παλαιοανθρωολογίας, γιατί τοποθετεί τεκμηριωμένα τον άνθρωπο έξω από την Αφρική.
Ο Έλληνας ανθρωπολόγος, Άρης Πουλιανός, υποστήριξε πως ο σκελετός είχε ηλικία κοντά στα 700.000 έτη. Οι ισχυρισμοί του τάραξαν τον επιστημονικό κόσμο.

Kursk direction: situation in Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts what is known as of 20:00 on August 23, 2024

Kursk direction: situation in Sudzhansky and Korenevsky districts
what is known as of 20:00 on August 23, 2024

In the Kursk region, Ukrainian troops are attempting to improve the tactical situation in several areas.

🔻In the Korenevsky district, several enemy attacks were repelled in the direction of Komarovka and Kremyanoye. In the latter, the Russian Armed Forces also expanded the control zone in the village to the west: footage of a projectile being dropped from a Ukrainian drone on the positions of Russian troops appeared.

🔻In the Sudzhansky district, the enemy continues to try to break through the defense (https://t.me/NgP_raZVedka/18806) in the area of ​​Malaya Loknya, has currently been pushed back. Operational-tactical aviation and artillery crews worked on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the approaches to the village.

The Fraud of the White Helmets

The Fraud of the White Helmets
Hollywood buys into yet another lie

I actually forced myself to watch the documentary The White Helmets, which is available on Netflix. It is 40 minutes long, is of high quality cinematographically speaking, and tells a very convincing tale that was promoted as “the story of real-life heroes and impossible hope.” It is overall a very impressive piece of propaganda, so much so that it has won numerous awards including the Oscar for Best Documentary Short this year and the White Helmets themselves were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. More to the point, however, is the undeniable fact that the documentary has helped shape the public understanding of what is going on in Syria, delivering a Manichean tale that depicts the “rebels” as always good and Bashar al-Assad and his government as un-redeemably evil.

It has been reliably reported that celebrities like George Clooney, Justin Timberlake and Hillary Clinton really like the White Helmets documentary and have promoted it with the understanding that it represents the truth about Syria, but it is, of course, not the whole story. The film, which was made by the White Helmets themselves without any external verification of what it depicts, portrays the group as “heroic,” an “impartial, life-saving rescue organization” of first responders. Excluded from the scenes of heroism

, Pavel Durov

🔴 Ο ιδρυτής του Telegram, Pavel Durov, συνελήφθη από τις γαλλικές αρχές μετά την προσγείωση στο αεροδρόμιο Le Bourget κοντά στο Saint-Denis


24β08 2024video


Πέθανε ο καθηγητής φιλοσοφίας Χρήστος Γιανναράς σε ηλικία 89 ετών

Πέθανε ο καθηγητής φιλοσοφίας Χρήστος Γιανναράς σε ηλικία 89 ετών
