Παρασκευή 5 Μαΐου 2017

US Coalition warplanes banned from flying over Syria’s safe-zones: Kremlin

US Coalition warplanes banned from flying over Syria’s safe-zones: Kremlin
By Leith Fadel

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:50 P.M.) – U.S. Coalition warplanes are restricted from flying over the four safe-zones being implemented by the Russian, Turkish, and Iranian governments in Syria, the Kremlin envoy at the Astana peace talks stated this morning.

“As for [the coalition] actions in the de-escalation zones, starting from now those zones are closed for their flights,” Aleksandr Levrentyev told journalists in the Kazakh capital, as quoted by Russia Today.

This poses quite the problem for the U.S. Coalition, as many of their warplanes fly over the northern Syria safe-zones.

However, the Kremlin insists that any warplanes flying over these safe-zones will not be tolerated, regardless if they are U.S. planes or not.

“As guarantors we will be tracking all actions in that direction,” Levrentyev remarked.

“Absolutely no flights, especially by the international coalition, are allowed. With or without prior notification. The issue is closed,” he concluded


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