Πέμπτη 4 Μαΐου 2017


These tiny companies may be showered with a minimum of $19 billion in government contracts — kicking off the largest explosion of profits in more than SIX decades.
And today, I’m ready to share the names of the THREE companies that could deliver you astronomical military-guided gains that haven’t been seen in 60 years.

Dear Reader,

Any day now, I believe Donald Trump will take America full steam ahead into the newest dimension of warfare — what I call the "fifth domain of war."

While the U.S. military has always protected Americans in the four domains of air, land, sea and space… this new fifth domain could launch America deep into a war like none other in history…

It’s an epic new battlefield for America around the globe — one where your fast action could have you riding an absolute tidal wave of government spending that may just be about to begin.

And in a moment, I’ll show you why Trump’s signature has put a skunkworks project called “Plan X” and the coming “fifth domain of war” on the fast track…

And a specific timeline that could unleash the largest explosion of wealth in over six decades.

I’ll also share with you a specific blueprint for how you can position yourself to take advantage of it.

In fact, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development claims this "fifth domain of war” is the “single greatest growth market in the defense and security sector."

And I’ll stake my two-decade-long military career and my work as a high-level and ranking defense contractor executive on an even bolder claim.

Using history as a guide, investors could see massive gains in the months ahead.

In the past, investors could have seen nothing short of rare 55,000% gains in a similar historical situation.

And I think rare gains are in store again…

That’s because this new “fifth domain of war” changes everything.

It’s a war…

So lucrative that it could turn every $10 invested into more than half a million dollars in pure profits over the long term…

So expensive that the U.S. government is projected to spend more than $19 billion on it…

And so massive that the NSA built a new $1.5 billion 500,000-square-foot “war room” code-named Bumblehive to house “fifth domain” warriors…

For now, know this — your quick and decisive action today puts you early in line to claim access to the next round of Pentagon spending as they dish out wave… after wave… after wave… of multimillion-dollar contracts.

Today, I’ll share the details behind three companies that should absolutely skyrocket as they each receive contracts from our Department of Defense and greater U.S. government.

I’ll also introduce you to a secret we’ve come to rely on, leveraging military intelligence and research to find valuable budding and lucrative private companies.

As you’ll see, it’s a new, proprietary twist on a proven, 50-year strategy for skimming profits from waves of military spending.

Just as World War II gave rise to a massive military spending spree — turning once-small companies into Fortune 500 behemoths with names like Boeing, Honeywell and Lockheed Martin — spending on this “fifth domain of war” will be even larger…

And now these virtually unheard-of stocks you’ll see today could easily turn into the Fortune 500 companies of tomorrow.

But time is short. This isn't some far-off war in the future.

This “fifth domain” of war has already begun!

Already, one small company we’ve researched jumped 771% when the Pentagon spent just a few million dollars on their technology.

And each time the government bought more and more technology—the stock jumped with triple-digit gains… every time!

But this small company received only a tiny fraction of what the Pentagon, the NSA, the CIA and Homeland Security could be about to spend on this new “fifth domain of war.”

And according to my information, in the coming weeks, the spending… and the potential profits… could break wide open…

And a new $19 billion wealth wave could officially launch.

More importantly, the U.S. military could surprise-launch its most aggressive initiative — “Plan X” — into battle.

Already, the “smart money” is positioning themselves for big profits.

Corporate insiders and institutions own massive positions — more than 7 million and more than 74.7 million shares, respectively — in three of the companies I’ll tell you about.

And there’s normally only one reason insiders load up on their own stock — that’s because they know from the inside out their company is going to make them a fortune.

President Trump had exposure to “fifth domain” companies’ stocks in his personal portfolio before he sold them to avoid conflicts while in the Oval Office.

Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis also had as much as $1 million in these types of stocks, too…

Even former President Obama and former U.S. secretary of defense Leon Panetta held “fifth domain” companies in their personal accounts.

This opportunity crosses party lines…

You could have even bought shares in one “fifth domain of war” company a few years ago and seen every $5,000 invested turn into $62,800.

Listen, my point is that time is short.

The war has begun, and the stocks are already building wealth for insiders.

That’s why it’s critical to act right now. And it’s also why I’m standing by to blow the doors wide open on all three companies I believe could make you a fortune.

So what is this new “fifth domain of war”?

And how could you position yourself to turn every $10 invested into $550,000 or more?

Let me explain…
You Can Call Me “Abu Daoud”

My name is Kevin Massengill.

But my nom de guerre while serving abroad in the U.S. military in the Middle East was “Abu Daoud.”

From time to time a Middle Eastern crown prince or our Arab allies and partners would call me that, too.

I first gained my top-secret military clearance in 1982. I served in a mix of infantry and intelligence positions until I retired from military service in 2004. My access was referred to as TS/SCI or Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information.

I’m a Princeton graduate and was trained to speak Russian and Arabic at the Defense Language Institute.

As an Airborne Ranger-qualified infantry officer, I spent over two decades of my life in field experience and military intelligence… much of it in the Middle East.

By order of the Secretary of the Army, I was awarded the U.S Army Legion of Merit, established by Congress in 1942.

I’ve sat at the table with and stood shoulder to shoulder with some of America’s most talented generals and leaders.

I don’t tell you any of this to brag or stroke my own ego.

I’m simply trying to show you that I’m a credible voice on military matters, national security and defense spending and technology.

That way you’ll take the “fifth domain of war” opportunity I’m detailing in this letter seriously.

You see, I’ve witnessed the horrors of war firsthand…

I’ve gotten to know Iraqi children and families in Baghdad after Saddam Hussein had been toppled.

I served in the Intelligence Directorate of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), the joint service headquarters of the U.S. combatant command overseeing operations in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia.

That’s where I had unprecedented access to the "top brass" of the U.S. military. It’s the U.S. combatant command responsible for combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And yet, I would stake my reputation that you don’t recognize my name.

I admit I’ve never written a best-selling book...

I don’t have a high profile on mainstream talk shows...

And I don’t work the public speaking circuit.

Instead, I quietly bring a particular set of skills to the table.

Skills that have made me effective in the fight against America's enemies...

The Best Friend You Can Have During the
“5th Domain of War" Wave About to Crest

Today I’m an analyst for a cutting-edge financial forecasting firm.

A firm with a new defense sector research desk that I’ve been put in charge of.

Our network has bullseye accuracy for predicting big-picture events.

We’ve predicted everything from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the rise of extreme Islamic terrorism...

From the housing and financial crises of 2008… to the skyrocketing price of gold…

And the rise of the new biotechnology revolution… to the election of Donald Trump as president.

What are we predicting next?

Well, right now I’m seeing chatter — from the White House and other sources — about preparing for a whole new war.

And I’ve pinpointed a small set of valuable public companies — three in total — that could be showered with riches, courtesy of President Trump’s response to the new “fifth domain of war.”

After studying the military and the markets for more than three decades, I know that investing alongside military technology is one of the greatest time-tested wealth-building secrets of all time.

I’ll show you why in just a moment.

First, I’d like to show you how this new domain of war is already raging.

Yet most Americans have no clue it exists!

Even Wired magazine calls it “the secret war.”

And my friend, former boss and former NSA director Keith Alexander is on record saying America would soon “dominate [the fifth domain of war] just as today, we dominate air and space.”

If that’s not a direct statement that the full resources of the United States are about to flood into this space, then I don’t know what is.

And “Plan X” is a key to U.S. dominance of this fifth domain of war.

But you’re probably wondering what this war is…

And why the coming weeks and months are so crucial for President Trump in this conflict…

The best way to show you what I mean by the “fifth domain” of war is through an example...
Donald Trump:
Iran Will Never Build a Nuclear Weapon

You’ve probably heard stories about how Iran is desperately trying to build a nuclear bomb.

But what you didn’t read in the paper is that someone already planned and carried out a successful “fifth domain” attack against Iran.

Without dropping a single missile and without deploying a single soldier, this “fifth domain” attack set the Iranians back years in their quest for the bomb.

And it was done through “fifth domain” technology — the same technology that I believe will give you the greatest path toward massive wealth.

Let me explain…

A few years back… buried some 70 feet below ground with 8-foot-thick concrete walls all around… Iranian scientists realized they had a huge problem.

The centrifuges at their Natanz nuclear enrichment bunker were going haywire.

Without warning, the rotors would speed up and slow down, virtually at will.

If they spun too slowly… the molecules wouldn’t separate and the nuclear material would be useless. And if they spun too fast… the machines could self-destruct or even explode.

In just a few months, as many as 1,000 centrifuges were completely destroyed. And no one had a clue how it happened.

Iran had no idea that the world’s most complex computer virus had been remotely planted on their network.

Developed by military hackers, this virus acted like digital drones that flew into the network… mapped it out… and then secretly sent the data back to the attacker.

The attacker was able to listen and record conversations through computer microphones… and even tap into mobile phones within Bluetooth range of a compromised machine.

Once the critical data were analyzed for maximum impact… the attacker deployed an all-out cyberassault, destroying the centrifuges and setting Iran back years in trying to develop a nuclear warhead.

When the Iranians finally discovered the virus, it was too late. Their work was destroyed.

Now, bear with me. I know this may sound like a weird story. But I’m showing you the details because they help illustrate… and prove… the wealth-building potential of the “fifth domain.”

Back to the story…

In analyzing the computer virus, they noticed it was incredibly complex.

It wasn’t from some garage-bound hacker. No, this code had all the signs of thousands of hours of professional development.

…But from where?

Little did anyone know at the time that this new cyberweapon — now known as Stuxnet — was a glimpse into an entirely new dimension of warfare.

Of course, Washington has never acknowledged involvement in the attack.

But anonymous sources within the federal government did take credit according to The New York Times.
This, My Friend, Is the New “5th Domain of War”

A war that could soon send the share price of private cybersecurity companies that are pioneering the virus technology into the stratosphere.

Just as past wartimes turned companies like Raytheon and General Dynamics from microcaps into the world’s largest defense contractors with quintuple-digit gains, like 12,428%… 20,381%… and even 55,000%...

Keep in mind there’s always risk with investing and gains won’t always be this high.

But nothing is guaranteed in life.

Meanwhile, this war could turn the companies I’ll share with you into the leaders of tomorrow…

Where every $1 invested could turn into $55,000 or more.

Every $10 into $550,000.

And every $1,000 into $5.5 million.

Already, government insiders and officials are positioning their own portfolios alongside the companies that will pave the way in “fifth domain” technology.

In his most recent financial disclosure filing, President Donald Trump tipped his hand.

Inside his portfolio sat “fifth domain” companies.

Of course he’s sold his stocks since he took office… he had to in order to avoid conflicts while president…

But President Trump knew the writing on the wall: The “fifth domain of war” is about to heat up. And investors can and should profit from it.

How can I be so sure you could make a fortune by investing in the coming “fifth domain of war”?

Consider this…
America’s #1 Threat:
The 5th Domain of War”

A former U.S. director of national intelligence declared the rising “fifth domain of war” as the greatest danger facing our nation.

Terrorism got dropped to No. 2!

That was the first time that’s ever happened in history.

That’s because the deployment of the Stuxnet virus I just told you about is just the start.

This “fifth domain of war” is already raging.

Already, Iran, China and Russia have all launched counter “fifth domain” attacks against each other.

And that’s precisely why the U.S. government plans to pump billions of dollars into this new war.

Over the past decade, the NSA has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into “fifth domain” research and development. And the spending is only projected to grow larger and larger…

Check out this chart:

It shows federal cybersecurity spending jumping by $5 billion this year alone…

to a total of $19 billion.

Now you can see why a recent market research report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says this "fifth domain" of war is the “single greatest growth market in the defense and security sector."

With the NSA being the largest employer of brainiac mathematicians in the country — you’d think they had all the brainpower they would ever need.

But that’s hardly the case.

In fact, the NSA and the intelligence community have become increasingly dependent on the private sector for new technology.

That means investors have been given a major gift…

The opportunity to buy into private-sector stocks… and position themselves with the specific companies paving the way with cutting-edge “fifth domain” technology.

Best of all, an opportunity to claim a piece of the $19 billion spending spree is about to be unleashed.

By my standards, there are only fifteen or so worthy “fifth domain” companies deserving of government money.

That means if you were to spread that $19 billion in federal “fifth domain” spending across those 15 companies, each would get $1.2 billion!

After more than three months of research, I’ve tracked down a total of three companies that I recommend you play right away.

I’ll show you more about them in just a moment.

And if you think any federal budget battles could somehow slow this coming “fifth domain of war,” you’d better think again…

During the last true cutthroat budget battle in Congress, my former boss and former NSA director Keith Alexander’s Pentagon request for $4.7 billion in “fifth domain” spending was approved without question — even while the CIA and other intelligence agencies are seeing their budgets cut by $4.4 billion or more.

That’s why a government employee is on record saying “we jokingly refer to [the former NSA director] as Emperor Alexander, because whatever he wants, he gets.”

I can attest to that, having known him personally…

But the point is, each time the NSA comes to Congress for more “fifth domain” money, they get it.

The Pentagon announced one “fifth domain” budget not long ago calling for $23 billion in spending through 2018.

And it was just announced that President Trump proposed $1.5 billion go to the Department of Homeland Security alone to make “fifth domain of war” preparations.

And that’s just the spending we know about. Black Ops budgets in this new “fifth domain” are likely much higher.

According to my research, the next phase could start imminently as the Pentagon goes full steam ahead into this war.

And when even a little money hits these small tech companies, their stocks skyrocket…
771% Gains in Just
Three Short Years

Just look what happened to a small company named TIBCO Software.

They developed a technology for the then-secret “Einstein” program.

In short, “Einstein” helps identify any incoming cyberthreat, and shuts down the virus before it can do any damage.

The Department of Homeland Security began its Einstein program using TIBCO technology in early 2004.

By the end of the year TIBCO had rocketed up 231%.

By 2008, the Einstein program was not only successful… it was no longer voluntary!

More than 600 federal agencies were now REQUIRED to install the Einstein software. And when they did… TIBCO shot up 771%!

Not bad, wouldn’t you agree?

That’s enough to turn every $1,000 invested into $7,710.

But stick with me — I’ve found three companies that I think could do even better — possibly challenging the 55,000% gains others have seen in the past.

You’ll see the details of all three companies in just a moment — stocks you need to get your hands on right now.

Why the urgency?

Before we get to that, it’s important to know that this isn’t the first time investors could get rich by investing in military technology…
A Time-Tested Blueprint to Massive Profits

If you’re at all familiar with history, you know that the military has a proven track record of inventing technologies that change everyday life.

Not only does it change lives, it can also change fortunes.

For example...

In the 1950s and 1960s, the military needed to "one up" their enemies by being able to see in the dark. So they pioneered the way for thermal imaging, an imaging system that cuts through darkness and smoke to show heat sources.

The companies that were involved on the ground floor of helping the military develop thermal imaging — Honeywell and Texas Instruments — have now become household names.

And then, during the Gulf War, the U.S. Army needed a system to quickly communicate information from its global position systems to the battlefield, allowing them to make instant decisions on where to position the troops.

From this technology, the internet began to explode into the private sector, paving the way for companies like Google to shoot up over 900%…

Once again, in order to help track the movement of their troops, the U.S. Navy invented the modern-day global positioning system.

Now almost every car manufacturer includes a version of the technology as a standard feature. Shares of Garmin, the leading GPS company, went from $9.63 a share to over $100 per share — showing investors a 938% gain between 2000 and 2007.

The list goes on and on…

Military spending took a typewriter manufacturer like Remington Rand and transformed it into an industry giant that helped develop UNIVAC—the world’s first commercial computer and a vital tool for analyzing signal intelligence during WWII.

They also took a simple tire company like BFGoodrich and turned it into an aerospace behemoth — becoming one of the largest manufacturers of wheels, brakes and accessories for military and industrial aircraft.

A simple $1,000 investment in each of these two companies would have grown to a whopping $1,242,800 and $2,038,100!

That’s the power and promise of what I’m telling you about today…

It’s the idea to park a little bit of your money into the technology being pioneered by the military and potentially watch it grow into a massive pile of wealth.

Just like it has time and time again… throughout history.

Remember, in my two-decade-long career in the military, I’ve watched a lot of this happen firsthand.

First from the military side as a lieutenant colonel…

Then in my role as vice president and regional executive for Raytheon in the Middle East, responsible for winning and delivering on billions of dollars in military technology contracts.

I’ve seen radar go from something we used exclusively in the military to something that made a fortune for private companies.

But these extraordinary returns were available only if you got in on the ground floor of the military spending… as it escalated in the decades before World War II, before Vietnam and before the Reagan military buildup.

And that’s exactly where we are right now with an escalating “fifth domain of war” — and the explosion of all-new government spending.

In a moment, I’ll share with you the specifics of the three companies I believe can make you an absolute fortune.

Potentially enough money to have complete financial freedom. To do what you want, when you want, for as long as you want!

And there’s still a little time left to position yourself for potentially massive profits from the new cybersecurity spending… but you have to act fast.
The Pentagon’s Plan X, Exposed

I believe very soon… Donald Trump and the Pentagon could officially launch an aggressive program called Plan X—forever changing the fifth domain of war.

And this could be a game changer!

I believe that will be the inflection point for millions of dollars worth of new private contracts being awarded to technology companies developing the “fifth domain” architecture… battle space analytics… mission planning… and much more.

Remember the company named TIBCO I told you about earlier?

It had gains of 231% and 771% when the government rolled out its technology—and that was just a few million dollars of “fifth domain” spending.

Now imagine what happens when a stock is hit with $50 million… $100 million... or even $500 million in new cybersecurity spending.

It’s certainly possible.

One little-known “fifth domain” company derived as much as $482 million from the department of defense in 2016!

This is the kind of wealth-building power the military has at this stage in the game.

In fact, the president has begun moving this new spending into law.

A recent government leak reveals that the president drafted an executive order mandating the government to work with the private sector to plan for and defend the nation’s infrastructure and vital assets against these “fifth domain” attacks.

I believe this executive order could be signed in the coming weeks…

And I believe the final version could conceivably order the implementation of Plan X, immediately speeding up the current timeline by five months.

In that same directive draft, President Trump gives an explicit order for the U.S. government to create a new “fifth domain of war” strategy.

They were commanded to compile a list of specific U.S. targets vulnerable to “fifth domain attacks” from our enemies.

All of the agencies of the federal government could have just 60 days or less to develop a specific plan for securing America’s critical cyber infrastructure and upping our “fifth domain” capabilities.

And for the past four years, the U.S. government’s skunkworks agency, called DARPA, has been developing the ultimate “fifth domain” warfare weapon.

It’s called “Plan X” and it will give America the ultimate advantage over other nations in the battle for cyberspace when it goes live.

By the way, this is NOT a rumor or speculation…

“Plan X” has been developed over four years with a $125 million investment.

But it hasn’t been handed over to the military to be used in cyber combat.

But soon that will change. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that developed Plan X has promised to deliver it to the military for use in cyber combat by September of this year.

But Plan X is ready right now…

And I have reason to believe that the timetable could be sped up.

The president could order it to be officially passed over ahead of schedule in the coming days as part of his strategy to make America’s cyber force the world’s mightiest weapon.

You see, Plan X is a cutting-edge platform for fighting cyberwar that’s extremely easy for the military to use.

Wired magazine said this fifth domain of war platform is as simple for a soldier to use as a video game, writing, “This Pentagon project makes cyberwar as easy as Angry Birds.”

Frank Pound, one of DARPA’s Plan X project managers, says, "Plan X is needed to help military commanders, planners and operators synchronize and collaborate in order to understand, plan and execute cyber operations in real time…”

And, according to the Federal Times, DARPA is “currently working with the Army to transition the project to a joint program available to all cyber forces.”

That’s projected to happen this year…

But that’s not where the good news ends. The Federal Times also added that, “since the technology is entirely… based on open source tools, parts of it could be adapted to civilian agency use as well as to some commercial applications.”

And Wired magazine reports that a “whole ecosystem of cyberwar programs [could] grow around Plan X.”

That’s huge…

Just look at how much more money could be spent on this “fifth domain of war” if the private sector gets involved:

That could bring the total from just $19 billion in 2017…

To $154 billion!

Of course it’s unlikely all of that money would be spent on this area alone…

But imagine if just 20% of that amount was spent on “Plan X” and the “fifth domain of war”…

That would be $30 billion!

If a small, public, $50 million cybersecurity firm was able to get just $3 billion of that money in contracts to provide “fifth domain of war” protection…

That would mean it would increase sixtyfold.

Meaning every $10,000 invested would become $600,000!

Listen, the point is simple: There is no turning back now… this “fifth domain of war” is racing ahead full steam!

The time to act is now!

Best of all, I’ve made it extremely easy for you to do so.

You see, I’ve already narrowed down the field to three of the hottest “fifth domain” companies you need to know about. Here’s a bit about each one of them right now…

“5th Domain of War” Play #1 — This one’s my favorite recommendation. When the superstore Target was cyberattacked, 40 million personal credit and debit cards worth of information were hacked and stolen. You could very well be a casualty in this “fifth domain of war.” That’s why my #1 recommendation specializes in preventing this kind of attack on everyday citizens and businesses.

“5th Domain of War” Play #2 — This recommendation is not a stock, bond or ETF. Instead, it’s a very specific and timed trade on the very best cybersecurity companies in the industry as we barrel into this new war. On the outside, we believe 400% gains could be had if our best-case scenario plays out…

“5th Domain of War” Play #3 — This last play received a whopping $482 million in contracts from the Department of Defense in 2016. And that was up from $235 million in 2015 — an 86% increase. As everything I told you about in this letter unfolds, I expect the amounts this company receives to become truly mindboggling. It’s also a very special type of investment that spells less risk than the typical stocks people buy or recommend.

If you’re wondering if these companies are fakes or for real, I don’t blame you.

But remember, the president and the former secretary of defense have owned these kinds of stocks in the past!

And in total, the Pentagon is looking at up to $19 billion on spending — much of which I expect to go to the companies I’ve just told you about.

I’ve detailed every one of these exploding tech plays in a brand-new special report.

It’s called The 5th Domain of War: Three Hot Stocks to Profit From the Rise in Military Spending.

With your permission, I’ll gladly send you a copy free of charge. All I ask is that you join the ranks of an elite research service…
Introducing Defense Technology Alert
with Jim Rickards and Kevin Massengill

As I’ve shown you, the military spending in the “fifth domain of war” is exploding right now.

And fast-acting investors who stake their claims before “Plan X” goes live could be in a position to reap a robber-baron windfall!

That’s exactly why we’ve recently launched a first-of-its-kind research letter.

It’s called Rickards & Massengill’s Defense Technology Alert .

Chances are you probably know Jim Rickards.

He’s the best-selling author of Currency Wars… The Death of Money… The New Case for Gold… and The Road to Ruin.

He’s also an advisor to the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence community.

And he’s the founder and editor of the worldwide investment newsletter called Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence.

There is probably no better-connected Pentagon insider, global macro forecaster and investment strategist than Jim.

Here we are together reporting in front of the White House:

I originally met Jim at an elite geo-economic strategy conclave in Manama, Bahrain.

Out the Treasury secretaries, finance ministers, members of European and Asian parliaments, India’s press secretary, university deans and former ministers of defense there…

Jim and I were impressed with each other and became fast friends and colleagues.

And soon after Donald Trump was elected and started following through on his plans, we agreed to launch the world’s premiere research service to help everyday Americans profit from what will go down as the greatest defense spending boom in history…

The results of our collaboration?

A research service that:

*** Finds recommends the exact strike points to enter and exit defense technology investment opportunities.

*** It can give you the chance at rare gains.

Like the 3,800% from Honeywell…

The 938% from Garmin…

The 3,856% from Texas Instruments…

The 1,780% from Google…

And the fast 771% from TIBCO…

As far as I know, Jim Rickards’ and my research service is the only one in the world that shows readers like you how to grab massive gains as the United States marches into the fifth domain of war.

I leverage my two-decade-long top-secret military career… and my decades as a high-level executive in the world’s largest public defense contracting companies…

To show you what’s happening behind the scenes… what contracts are being awarded to which companies… and how to invest alongside the military for huge gains.

And this research is already changing people’s lives.

People like Daniel G., who wrote in to say…

“Great analysis. Mr. Massengill’s experience, combined with his depth and breadth of knowledge from both the military and private sectors, enhanced by his understanding of the markets, is superb. He takes a complicated analysis and makes it understandable. There is no way I could understand and invest in this sector, much less the thinly traded stocks that are the up and comers, without his guidance.”

And Arthur S., who said…

“Very good and interesting. In my honest opinion, probably leading-edge information in the field.”

Not to mention David G., who wrote in to tell me…

“I thoroughly enjoy it. It's info that I don't get in other newsletters. My son is a defense contractor, he started his own company. I can't ask him or know too much about his work for obvious reasons. But it's good to see what's happening in the sector.”

These are just the beginning.

The gains you could grab from the coming “fifth domain of war” are truly massive.

Just look at some of the companies poised to explode when the Pentagon unleashes Plan X and steps up their new cybersecurity spending spree.

Companies much like TIBCO Software Inc., which jumped by 231% and even 771% when new cybertech spending kicked in.

But unlike the TIBCO jump… on just a few million dollars in cyberwar spending… the government is locked and loaded to start spending billions on cybertechnology.

And the profit potential is absolutely astronomical.

And here’s the really great news.

When you join our ranks, you’ll claim a free copy of my latest report, The 5th Domain of War: Three Hot Stocks to Profit From the Rise in Military Spending.

Inside, you’ll find all three companies that could make you a fortune when the Pentagon goes full steam ahead on the fifth domain of war and on “Plan X.”

But time is short.

You have to choose to act now if you want the potential to grab huge gains from this “fifth domain of war”… just like the early investors who acted on WWII spending and who saw out-of-this-world gains of 12,428%… 20,381%… and even 55,000%…

Gains like this don’t happen overnight. They can sometimes take many years to be seen…

But, listen, if you’re looking to turn a small amount of money into the retirement of your dreams… I’m talking about TRUE financial freedom, to do what you want… when you want… with whom you want…

Then I know of no better (or easier) way to do it than through what you’ve heard about today.

So how much does membership to Defense Technology Alert cost?

Well, unlike some typical newsletter, this research service isn’t cheap.

We’ll be dealing with some pretty small investments — stocks that can go up hundreds of percentage points.

For example, one of our recommendations had a share price under 20 cents.

This means we have to keep the subscriber base small and nimble. We’re not going to let everyone in and drive up the prices on these small, quality defense plays. Because some of these plays are so small and volatile, we’ll recommend a strict buy-up-to price so you don’t chase them all over the market.

It’s also the reason that this isn’t one of those $99 research services.

But when you see the profits… the money… that could come rolling in by investing alongside the military, I think you’ll be surprised how affordable membership truly is.

For example, members of my service who put just $1,000 into one of our first closed-out recommendations would’ve seen close to 290% gains — or made $2,990.

Nearly four times their money.

And if they invested another $1,000 into my second closed-out recommendation, they’d have made 168%, or $1,250.

And both of those two huge gains came in just two months’ time!

I think that’s proof enough of why Defense Technology Alert commands at least a $5,000 membership fee.

It’s not hard to make the fee back very quickly at the pace we’re going. Our research and analysis is valuable.

It’s why our paid-up reader Arthur S. says it’s the “leading-edge information in the field.”

And why Grace H. said, “I love it and already made a little money; thanks for the hard and very detailed work!”

But until May 26th, I’m not going to charge you that much for access to my recommendations.

Before we talk any more about this elite membership, though, let me show you another opportunity that comes free when you join our ranks…

I’ve just put the finishing touches on an explosive special report.

It could not be more timely…

It’s called…
Drone Dust:
The Techno-Specks That Will Revolutionize
Warfare and Mint a Massive Fortune

Take a look at this picture:

This tiny speck — something I call “Drone Dust” — is barely visible to the eye if you hold it on your finger.

DARPA has actively funded its development… and I believe it could revolutionize warfare as we know it.

Simply put, drone dust is capable of collecting data on just about everything.

It will feed soldiers with all of the data needed to make them omniscient warriors.

Fighters who know where their enemies are and everything that’s happening on the battlefield.

The key is tiny futuristic “drone dust” sensors like the one pictured above.

The goal is for the military to fly a drone over a battlefield and “cropdust” the area with millions of these small sensors.

And then use all of that information — global positioning, temperature, motion, audio and video — as data that can be streamed to soldiers and intelligence officers.

This technology could end the guerilla warfare tactics that terrorists prefer to use against our soldiers.

Best of all, you don’t have to wait to start profiting from it!

And I lay it all out for you in this second bonus report, where I tell you about the #1 defense stock set to make money hand over fist as our military rapidly develops this “drone dust” technology.

OUR #1 DRONE DUST PLAY: This defense contractor has received at least 40 contracts worth over $31 million over recent years. I suspect there are more where those came from, too. You won’t recognize its name. But the technology it’s powering is listed as the #1 innovation on one of the most well-respected technology forecasting reports in the world. When it’s not developing this miniature technology, it’s providing NASA with highly specialized semiconductors for space base stations. . Ultimately, I believe you could mint an absolute fortune with this technology.

And it’s all outlined in a special report called Drone Dust: The Techno-Specks That Could Revolutionize Warfare and Mint a Fortune. It’s yours free today when I hear from you.

But that’s not all.

You’ll get a third cutting-edge report — with many more can’t-miss stock plays that I will tell you about in just a moment.

But before I do, let’s review everything you get when you agree to join our ranks for this once-in-a-lifetime ride.

You’ll have the opportunity to start grabbing…
Insider Profits From My
“Golden Pentagon Rolodex”

Every week, you will receive all the benefits of the painstaking research and analysis that I do every day.

I steep all the military research down to actionable information you could use to see gains right now.

Best of all, I weed out every stock pick that doesn’t make it past my analytical filters — leaving you with only the military plays that could make you a fortune now.

You’ll hear from me every week… and get at least 1 new stock recommendation per month.

I tell you the best time to buy… and the ideal time to sell.

That way you aren’t caught off guard when the war headlines read one thing… but the underlying fundamentals of these companies read another.

Put simply, I dive deep into the technology, the military, the top-secret locations AND the numbers… so you don't have to.

This way you’re in the best position to get all the hot opportunities without getting bogged down in the details.

Of course, I always follow the money trail. And I do it for every technological trend I see where inevitable government spending could lead to hot profits.

Remember, defense spending went UP even in the face of the budget crisis in Washington in 2011. That was the toughest budget environment in modern history. America’s credit rating was even downgraded!

And today’s very different.

The Congress and White House are both in Republican control.

Donald Trump has already proposed a $54 billion INCREASE in defense spending in 2017. And he’s hinted that it could even be as high as an $84 billion increase when it actually comes down to it.

That would put this year’s defense spending at nearly $700 billion.

More than half a trillion dollars.

And that doesn’t include any off-the-book “black budget” defense spending.

In fact, Forbes reported that:

So ask yourself…

Who’s getting rich from this increased spending?

Who benefits from the continued massive spending by the military?

I’ll tell you: the companies and shareholders of the defense contractors that get the money!

Look… the headlines are already starting to confirm it:

As I showed you earlier, President Trump himself was positioned with his personal portfolio to gain from the coming “fifth domain of war,” too.

This is your chance to read the writing on the wall and follow in Trump’s footsteps.

I filter everything down to only the best possible opportunities and find the sweet spot for breakthrough moneymaking technology.

All the hard work is done for you, well before I send you a new issue of Defense Technology Alert .

This way you have the opportunity to enjoy a long string of money-doubling and -tripling opportunities… if not more!

Up until now, my research on all these topics has been behind the scenes.

But as a subscriber to my Defense Technology Alert , you’ll get a front-row seat to these private conversations and private insights.

Insights I’ve used to put together your third special report, where I reveal...
The “Make the Military Great Again”
Portfolio:A Complete Roadmap to the
Trump Military Buildup

I’ve put together your third special report, called The “Make the Military Great Again” Portfolio.

In this additional report, I’ll share the names of over 20 investment recommendations that could rocket skyward as President Trump fulfills his promise to spend hundreds of billions of dollars rebuilding America’s military.

I’m talking about tested and proven weapons systems and bleeding-edge technology like…

OPPORTUNITY #1: A small 83-cent company that is the linchpin of America’s national security...

OPPORTUNITY #2: America’s space “shield” against ballistic missile annihilation…

OPPORTUNITY #3: A little-known way to double your money over the next four years on one of the most profitable “CEWs,” or conducted electrical weapons manufacturers…

OPPORTUNITY #4: The #1 way to play nuclear as Donald Trump plans to upgrade the U.S. nuclear stockpile...

OPPORTUNITY #5: A golden opportunity that could literally double your money off a tiny military microwave component processor within the next 6–12 months…

OPPORTUNITY #6: The chance to turn $1 into $100. This company has a simple yet important technology called “precision magnetic components” that they supply to the aerospace and defense industry. It’s so small, even a modest contract from the government could change its fortunes...

OPPORTUNITY #7: A 17-cent aviation technology company responsible for keeping America’s air force in the skies...

OPPORTUNITY #8: A 34-cent company that provides invisible ink marking and automatic visual inspection technology to both the military and private businesses...

OPPORTUNITY #9: The company responsible for providing life support to the U.S. Army in the Middle East…

OPPORTUNITY #10: The same defense play that returned 900% in the last defense spending boom… and is now poised for even more huge gains in 2017 when Trump’s military rebuilding goes full steam ahead!

And more than 10 other additional recommendations that we believe could make you as much as 1,000% or more cumulatively in the coming months...

All of them are outlined in our third free military research exposé called…

The “Make the Military Great Again” Portfolio. It’s yours free, when you become a member of our elite Defense Technology Alert research service.

And here's the best part...
You Can Try All This Right Now
for up to One Year!

I'd like to invite you to let me do all the research for you, starting right now with a special membership to Defense Technology Alert .

Here’s everything you’ll receive…

First, I’ll rush you a FREE copy of my report The 5th Domain of War: Three Hot Stocks to Profit From the Rise in Military Spending…

You’ll then receive your second FREE report, Drone Dust: The Techno-Specks That Could Revolutionize Warfare and Mint a Fortune

Followed by a FREE copy of my third report, The “Make the Military Great Again” Portfolio.

That’s a total of over 20 hot stocks that you could use right now to go for double- and triple-digit gains… if not more.

Especially as this “fifth domain of war” continues to charge ahead… sending these and many other stocks into the stratosphere for huge gains of 12,428%… 20,381%… AND EVEN 55,000%.

Best of all, these three reports are yours… absolutely FREE.

It’s just my way of saying thank you for giving Defense Technology Alert a try.

Then, as soon as you're ready, you'll start getting your weekly alerts and monthly issues, where I will send you my newest research (including at least one new play) on the first week of every month.

But I need to hear from you right away.

Plan X “going live” will certainly impact the stocks I lay out for you in The 5th Domain of War: Three Hot Stocks to Profit From the Rise in Military Spending,

But you may be thinking… how much is all that worth?
Cutting-Edge Military-Tech Research
Worth Thousands…

When you consider how any one of these moves could double or even triple your money (or more) in the coming year... the reports alone could be worth thousands… if not tens of thousands of dollars to you over the coming year.

Remember, readers who followed my first two recommendations have potentially made thousands of dollars in profits already.

The concept is proven.

What's more, I happen to know firsthand that insiders pay an arm and a leg to get the inside research on the kinds of special opportunities I’ve just talked about here.

In fact, I just came across one stock market report that gives only a general review of the new high-tech breakthroughs similar to what we talked about here…

And it lists for as much as $8,000!

But I won't ask you for anything close to these amounts for my Defense Technology Alert . That's not why I started this research letter.

You see, I would much rather get these incredible opportunities out to as many interested readers as possible.

Why? Because I know… the research I love to do day in and day out… may be the one piece of information that can change someone’s life.

PLUS, I’ve already done all the research for you!

This is precisely why Jim Rickards and I started Defense Technology Alert . Because the opportunities in the new “fifth domain of war” are truly mind-boggling.

And it’s also why I’ve worked with my publisher to slash the price down to the absolute minimum we could charge.

We settled on just $2,000 per year.

That's $3,000 off of the membership price we could charge— and it’s like getting more than half of all your issues absolutely FREE.

There’s a catch, though.

We’re not going to be instituting a refund policy. And the reason is simple:

We’re giving you a full, 25-recommendation model portfolio when you join our ranks today. This is filled with the names of companies you’ve likely never heard of before.

Many of them are small… thinly traded stocks.

When too many people buy them, the price can move.

We would be crazy to simply hand over all of that information to everybody who wants to “test-drive” the service… show them how to invest in all of our picks… push the price up… and then issue a refund for all of their money back.

It’s unfair to Jim Rickards and me… and to our serious readers who have paid and are dedicated to sticking with our research.

I’m sure you’ll understand. And if those upfront terms aren’t for you, don’t worry.

Jim Rickards and Agora Financial have lower-priced research services which are more introductory and promise slower, safer and lower gains than what we’ll be targeting here.

So there’s no hard feelings.

But to make it up to you, I will trim thousands off of what we should be selling this service for.

And if you’re STILL not sure if membership is right for you, here’s what I’ve also arranged to do for a limited time…
A Way to Try Out My Super-Elite
Research for a Full Year

Sign up today and I’ll send you all your reports — including over 20 hot stock picks.

If you enjoy Defense Technology Alert and everything else I'll send you… great!

Mission accomplished.

You don’t need to do another thing… just keep seeing gains from the reports I’ve sent you. And I'll keep sending you more and more actionable research throughout the year.

But if you change your mind and feel that this research service isn’t for you, then you've got the full year of your membership to turn your $2,000 membership fee into “store credit” with my publisher, Agora Financial… no questions asked.

You can apply it to any one or a combination of our 20+ research services.

That’s how confident I am that I can show you how to make some serious money in the months and year ahead.

You can even apply this “store credit” on the 364th day, if that's what you choose.

There won’t be any restocking fees or holdbacks of any type.

I can’t think of a stronger guarantee in the business.

Now, if that sounds fair to you… don’t wait another minute to start potentially profiting from what’s shaping up to be the greatest technological revolution in nearly 70 years.

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