Τρίτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Israeli settlers trash the West Bank

Israeli settlers trash the West Bank
By Robert Inlakesh

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:20 P.M)- According to studies conducted on the environment within the occupied West Bank, conducted by the ‘Kenneset Research Institute’, 19 million cubic meters of Israeli illegal settler waste runs through West Bank villages.

Alon Cohen-Shifshitz a researcher for the Israeli non-governmental organisation (NGO) Bimkom, said West Bank settlements are not built with proper waste treatment facilities, doing damage to the environment, he stated that; “This is caused by the fact that Israel declared uncultivated land in the West Bank, which is usually on the hilltops, as ‘state land,'” during the Israeli military takeover of the territory in 1967, Lifshitz explained. “Taking over the hilltops also made it so Israel could easily control the area.”

Israeli settlers often have been caught burning waste near Palestinian villages and timed with the direction of the wind (towards the Palestinians) for purpose of antagonism. Israel also spend a lot of money on West Bank settlement – insuring that many of these state of the art houses and high rise buildings are enticing for their foreign (Mainly American) inhabitants – yet somehow didn’t remember to build in proper waste facilities.


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