Δευτέρα 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

The situation in Israel and Palestine - part 1

The situation in Israel and Palestine - part 1 January 28 - February 6, 2023 🔻Russian-Israeli relations ▪️Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his interview with CNN, said that he could become an intermediary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGcuJo5gZSg) between Russia and Ukraine if both sides and the United States asked for it. ▪️In addition, some world, and first of all, Ukrainian media, citing CNN, reported that Netanyahu promised to think about transferring the Iron Dome air defense systems to Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the full version of the interview with this passage was not released online, however, in an article on the website of the American TV channel (https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/31/middleeast/benjamin-netanyahu-cnn-interview- israel-intl/index.html), written on the basis of the interview, the authors, on the contrary, complain about Israel's ambivalent position towards Russia. ▪️Nevertheless, last Saturday Netanyahu in his interview to the French channel (https://www.tf1info.fr/international/guerre-en-ukraine-russie-je-reflechis-a-livrer-le-dome-de-fer- a-kiev-revele-premier-ministre-israel-benjamin-netanyahu-sur-lci-2247127.html) The LCI has indeed stated that it is considering deliveries of air defense systems to Kyiv. However, the Prime Minister of Israel immediately noted that in this matter he would be guided solely by the national interests of his country and did not want a military confrontation with Russia. He noted that Russian aviation operates near the Israeli borders in Syria, and they have other considerations in this regard. ➖ And such a statement by Netanyahu sounds right - it is hardly necessary for the Israeli authorities now to openly intervene in the conflict in Europe. In the end, despite the extensive diplomatic activity of Israel to normalize relations with neighboring countries, now they leave much to be desired. At the same time, considerable tension remains inside the country against the backdrop of protests against the reforms of the judiciary. Well, the Israeli authorities can really consider the issue of supplies. And most likely without any further action. ➖ The Prime Minister also added that he reached a compromise with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Middle East issue and the leaders of the states decided to "leave each other alone." ▪️On issues of relations with Russia, Naftali Bennet, who served as prime minister in 2021-2022, also spoke widely. He told (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK9tLDeWBzs) that Russia and Ukraine were actively negotiating in March last year, but they were thwarted by the West after a provocation in Bucha. According to him, before the breakdown of negotiations, Ukraine was allegedly ready to refuse to join NATO. In addition, Bennett said that Russian President Vladimir Putin allegedly promised him "not to order the liquidation of Zelensky." ▪️The media also reported (https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ukraine-said-to-demand-israel-denounce-russia-as-foreign-minister-due-to-visit-kyiv/) that Before the visit of Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Ukraine demands that the Israeli authorities condemn Russia's actions and approve a $500 million loan. 🔻Israel's Relations with the United States US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Israel last week, meeting with both incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Yair Lapid. ▪️At a meeting with the head of the current government, Blinken touched on the topic of Iran and stressed that his country, together with Israel, would under no circumstances allow the Islamic Republic to obtain nuclear weapons. ▪️The Secretary of State also stressed that the US-Israel relationship is based, among other things, on common democratic values, noting, noting that the consensus of society is needed to carry out reforms. Apparently, Anthony Blinken commented in this manner on the protests of citizens against the judicial reform, without, however, unequivocally assessing the bill and the US position on this matter. The US Secretary of State also expressed hope for a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that the United States remains committed to the implementation of the principle of coexistence of "two states" - Palestine and Israel. ▪️Later, Blinken met with the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, during which the latter accused Israel of violating the settlement agreements. It is known that the head of the PNA also met with CIA Director William Burns.

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