Παρασκευή 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

What is happening in Syria? overview of the situation for February 1-8, 2023

What is happening in Syria? overview of the situation for February 1-8, 2023 🔻Earthquake cleanup ▪️On February 6, a devastating earthquake (https://t.me/rybar/43356) of magnitude 7.4 occurred in the southeast of Turkey and in the northern regions of Syria, destroying residential areas and infrastructure in the north and northwest of the country. ▪️ In the Syrian Arab Republic, from one to two thousand citizens became victims of the incident, the number of wounded and injured is estimated at more than four thousand.

▪️The servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces (https://t.me/rybar/43399) and rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry who arrived in the country with humanitarian aid are taking an active part in the aftermath. Russian specialists are involved in clearing debris, transporting injured residents and providing them with the necessary medical care. ▪️Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Tunisia and several other Arab countries also provide humanitarian assistance and support by specialists. The heads of the United Arab Emirates and Egypt contacted President Bashar al-Assad, promising to provide all possible assistance to the affected country. The talks between Assad and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi were the first since the election of the head of Egypt in 2014. ▪️Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning amid the tragedy urged (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202302/1285066.shtml) the United States to lift sanctions on Syria, noting that US military personnel continue to occupy a significant part of the oil-producing regions of Syria. The Chinese authorities will also send about four and a half million dollars to the republic to eliminate the consequences of the incident. In addition, Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed condolences to President Assad and the people of Syria. At the same time, the head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Khalid Khbaobati, said that the organization is ready to send help to militant-controlled Idlib, if such an opportunity is provided. There is a possibility that the scale of the tragedy and its devastating consequences will also have an impact on the military-political situation in the region, contributing to the acceleration of negotiations on a settlement between Russia, Turkey, Iran and Syria. 🔻Activities of terrorist groups ▪️Several factions of the "Syrian National Army" (SNA) announced the formation of a new association "Tajamua ash-Shahba" in the vicinity of Jarablus. A little later, representatives of the Turkish-controlled “Interim Government of Syria” stated that this group did not belong to the “Syrian National Army”. The “Provisional Government” is a Turkey-oriented puppet entity associated with the terrorist organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. ▪️After the death of one of the field commanders of Ahrar al-Sham, Abu Udey Avlan, who, according to some reports, was eliminated by a Turkish drone, local militants said they would take revenge on Turkey. In their statement, the terrorists call the Turkish army invaders and traitors. ▪️In the north of the province of Latakia and the outskirts of Idlib, mutual shelling continues between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants and regular formations. 🔻Other events The Turkish side announced the shelling of the Ondzhupinar checkpoint on the border of Turkey and Syria by Kurdish formations. The armed forces of the Republic of Turkey in response fired at the city of Tell Rifat controlled by the Kurds. ➖According to some reports, more than twenty IS fighters escaped from a prison in the city of Raju near Afrin after the earthquake.

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