Τρίτη 21 Μαρτίου 2023

The February 6 1934 crisis

The demonstration turned into a riot in the Place de la Concorde, resulting in 12 civilian casualties, one death among the police and more than 2,000 injured that same evening. 

Six other civilian victims died as a result of their injuries a few days later, bringing the total number of deaths on February 6, 1934 to 19.

 The crisis of February 6, 1934, was one of the bloodiest demonstrations of the Third Republic since the Fourmies shootings in 1891. Further violent demonstrations-with new victims on the side of the demonstrators-occurred on February 7, 9 and 12. The death toll from police repression reached 30 for all of these demonstrations.

📖 The February 6 1934 crisis (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crise_du_6_f%C3%A9vrier_1934)

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