Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 2023

How Central African militants are deceiving the Russians and Chinese - part 1

How Central African militants are deceiving the Russians and Chinese - part 1

In the Central African Republic, for several years now (https://t.me/rybar/44988) clashes between local gangs and the army of the Central African Republic with the support of the Wagner PMC detachments have been going on.

❗️Recently addressing the Russian side, some faction leaders have expressed a desire to disarm in exchange for higher wages and the transfer of control over gold mines.

Given that the situation with the training of the local army and the final solution of security issues in remote regions is increasingly reaching a dead end, Russian representatives decided to seriously consider this proposal.

Although it would be worth treating it with a great deal of skepticism. Measures for disarmament and integration of militants into society are far from being held for the first time, and each time it ended in failure.

🔻Why did the integration of action movies fail?

Attempts to force militants from various armed groups to disarm and integrate into the local army and civilian institutions have been made over the past 10 years.

▪️Each time this process failed for many reasons, the key ones being:

➖the unwillingness of the political elites to let yesterday's enemies get closer - the distribution of state posts to militants was often just a formality without real powers. This greatly angered the leaders of the groups, who were deprived of access to the existing corruption schemes.

This also includes the problem of harmonizing army ranks - militants without primary school education often appointed themselves generals and demanded that these ranks be retained by them in the regular army.

➖unwillingness of militants to change their habitual way of life, an integral part of which is the robbery of the population, as well as the smuggling of gold and diamonds.

This was accompanied by the desire of the militants to earn extra money on humanitarian actions and to share the funding that international organizations willingly allocated (https://t.me/rybar/42464) for peace negotiations. In this sense, the interests of the groups closely intersected with the interests of local authorities.

▪️ No one really followed the effectiveness of the execution of the agreements either: the militants continued to make money on smuggling, quietly rob the local population and disarmed in parties of 50 people every three months.

At the same time, when resources became sufficient and the prospect of a repetition of an armed coup and the destruction of cities appeared, approved and sponsored by external forces, in particular France, it quickly became clear that while the group was demonstrating the disarmament of several dozen fighters under cameras, hundreds were arming behind the scenes.

▪️For example, this happened (https://t.me/rybar/22716) with the projects of the former leader of the Antibalak group, Maxim Mokom, who begged money from Yevgeny Prigozhin for the construction of wells, churches, schools, and so on.

Needless to say, Mocom did not fulfill anything he promised, and as soon as another conflict began, he was among the first to join the ex-president François Bozize, who is still on the run (https://www.jeuneafrique.com/1423993 /politique/exclusif-francois-bozize-a-quitte-le-tchad-pour-la-guinee-bissau/).

True, Mokom himself was not lucky - the authorities of Chad, where he was hiding with Bozize, handed him over to the Hague Tribunal in March last year.

🔻Last truce attempt

▪️As a result of a short military campaign (https://t.me/rybar/36823) of another coalition of militants in late 2020 - early 2021, they were defeated, and the war was transformed into an anti-terrorist operation that continues to this day.

Detachments of the local army, with the support of the Wagner PMC, track down the remnants of militants through the forests, defend roads and villages from raids.

▪️After heavy losses, attempts began by some leaders of gangs to negotiate another truce through corrupt allies in power.

However, the leadership of the Wagner PMC, which then performed the main work on the destruction of armed groups, refused such negotiations for obvious reasons.

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