Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 2023

How Central African militants are deceiving the Russians and Chinese - part 2

How Central African militants are deceiving the Russians and Chinese - part 2

🔻 Why can't you just eliminate the remnants of terrorists?

The current situation in the country has come up against (https://t.me/rybar/36824) an insoluble problem: the anti-terrorist operation requires more and more human resources to occupy outposts at distant borders and ensure the security of state institutions.

▪️The forces of PMC "Wagner", acting as a local fire brigade in the conditions of guerrilla warfare, are simply not enough.

Given the difficult socio-economic situation in the country and the model of easy money offered by gangs, the armed groups will not lack people.

▪️In part, the problem is being solved by Russian instructors who train special forces of the local army.

But even these efforts are not enough, because as soon as the fighters complete the course and get back to the positions of the completely incompetent regular army, then after two or three months they forget how to disassemble the machine gun.

▪️The reform of the army and the mass conscription are skeptical due to the great influence of various ethnic and tribal groups - there is always a risk of arming the masses of people who then refuse to defend the interests of the state and go into robbery.

❗️Realizing the current state of affairs, the leaders of some groups that are ready to disarm have recently decided to make a new proposal to the Wagner PMC, namely, to determine the payment of their units up to 100 US dollars (twice the rate of an ordinary FACA) in exchange for integration 800 militants in the CAR Armed Forces and the transfer of gold mines.

🔻 Is it worth it?

▪️More "no" than "yes". The fact is that most of the artisanal mines run by gangs are small quarries and the mouths of streams, where local residents try to wash rare gold nuggets or diamonds for a meager fee.

▪️Produced from several such mines is enough to feed a detachment of militants and purchase a batch of weapons, but no more. Large-scale mining and production require serious investments and infrastructure construction.

Therefore, with a high probability, such proposals by militants, as before, are aimed at lulling their vigilance in order to first earn money and then return to their favorite business.

🔻Similarly, they deceive the Chinese

Similar offers periodically come to Chinese businessmen, who are offered mines and immunity in exchange for contributions.

Just a month ago, a group of Chinese citizens who had previously trusted militants were subjected to attacked while working at a mine 25 km from the city of Bambari. As a result, nine Chinese were killed and two more were injured.

🔻One way or another, the situation in the Central African Republic has become a dead end and needs radical solutions, one of which could be mass (rather than selective) training of local military personnel by Russian specialists.

Considering that there are currently no additional resources for training in the territory of the Central African Republic, a good way out could be the creation of an "African Legion" as part of the Wagner PMC, numbering several thousand people.

Six months in the NVO zone could well have made ready-made units out of Central African (and not only) fighters who would not scatter at the first shot from the bandits and would be able to adequately defend the borders of their country. This experience can later be extended to other regions (https://t.me/rybar/45064), where an active recruitment of volunteers is possible.

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