Σάββατο 25 Μαΐου 2024


On September 19, 1991, while hiking in the Ötztal Valley in the Alps, German hikers Erika and Helmut Simon stumbled upon what they initially thought was the body of a recently deceased mountain climber. 

However, it turned out that this was a remarkably preserved mummy, later named Ötzi, which had been encased in ice for over 5,300 years.

The mummy was surrounded by various artifacts, including a bow and a quiver containing arrows, a copper-bladed axe, a flint dagger with a wicker sheath, birch wood vessels lined with maple leaves, remnants of a backpack, a leather pouch holding small items, and clothing and shoes made from fur and leather, among other minor items.

Researchers analyzing Ötzi concluded that he likely met a violent end due to an arrowhead found lodged in his left shoulder and other injuries on his body, suggesting he was the victim of murder.


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