Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2024

bitten more 800 times by two dogs that she was looking

In 2021, Dog-sitter Jacqueline Durand had her nose, ears, lips and cheeks bitten more 800 times by two dogs that she was looking after. Her injuries were so severe that she had to be placed in a medically-induced coma.

Upon entering the home she was dog sitting at, Jacqueline Durand was immediately pinned down and brutally mauled by the two dogs she was meant to look after, Bender, a boxer and pit bull mix, and Lucy, a German Shepherd. 

The attack was so severe that it resulted in Durand losing a staggering 30 percent of her blood. The dogs tore her face down to the bone. 

The attack lasted a harrowing half an hour before law enforcement arrived at the scene. 

The officers were alerted to the situation by an alarm triggered by the open door, which indicated something was amiss. 

Durand was subsequently rushed to the hospital where she spent 60 days recovering from the traumatic incident.

Since the attack, Durand has undergone more than 20 surgeries in an effort to reconstruct her face.


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