Πέμπτη 8 Αυγούστου 2024

Asia-Pacific region

🇦🇺 🇨🇳🇺🇸 On the possible construction of new US military facilities in the Asia-Pacific region

The expansion of the American presence in the Asia-Pacific region will soon become even more visible. Various media outlets write that the US Navy is looking for contractors to implement three unnamed infrastructure projects. They could be built in the Philippines , Papua New Guinea , East Timor and the Cocos Islands , which belong to Australia.

▪️The cost of such plans is approximately $15 billion . The United States is allocating these funds as part of the Pacific Containment Initiative, aimed at countering China and expanding American influence in the region.

▪️There is no specific information about the projects yet. The official website states that contractors can build new facilities, repair and upgrade old ones, including piers, runways, roads, hangars, etc.

▪️Close attention is focused on possible locations for the work, namely the Cocos Islands. The fact is that they are located relatively close to the Strait of Malacca, through which approximately 80% of China's trade flows pass.

🔻Considering this location for possible construction of military facilities is a clear signal to Beijing. The Chinese authorities in general have long had concerns about the blockade of the strait in the event of a large-scale conflict, which could lead to the cutting off of China's trade.

And against this backdrop, this problem remains very relevant for China. Although China is pursuing a policy of diversifying trade flows, most of them still pass through the strait. Potential military installations on the Cocos Islands could further increase the threat to the Chinese economy.

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#Австралия #Китай #США
@rybar in collaboration with @awaken_dragon


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