Τρίτη 18 Ιουνίου 2024


This dramatic video from 1941 captures the HMS Barham exploding after being struck by a torpedo from the German submarine U-331 off the coast of Egypt. The footage was taken by Pathé News cameraman, John Turner. Just four minutes after the torpedo hit, a fire on board ignited the ship's magazine, resulting in a massive detonation. Tragically, 862 people lost their lives in the incident.
The HMS Barham’s demise was not only a result of the torpedo impact but also due to the subsequent catastrophic detonation of the ship’s magazines. A Court of Enquiry into the sinking revealed that the initial explosion spread to and ignited the 4-inch magazines outboard, which were adjacent to the main 15-inch magazines, leading to a devastating chain reaction. Prior to her sinking, HMS Barham played a significant role in naval operations during World War II. In January 1941, she was involved in bombarding Bardia as a prelude to the Battle of Bardia, alongside her sister ships Warspite and Valiant. This operation was part of a series of actions that demonstrated the might of the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean theater. The attack on HMS Barham was a meticulously executed operation by the German submarine U-331. All four torpedoes were fired at a close range of 410 yards, with three striking almost simultaneously, causing one massive column of water that contributed to the ship’s rapid capsizing


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