By Ronald Thomas West
Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul to waste… -Richards/Jagger
Beelzebub, than whom, Satan excepted, none higher sat -Milton
It wasn’t at all long ago*
✓ Turkey’s intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan, named as member of terror group linked to al-Qaeda and ISIS.
✓ Turkish intelligence directly supplied military aid to ISIS for years.
✓ Turkish government siphoned military supplies to ISIS through humanitarian relief agency.
✓ ISIS fighters, including al-Baghadi’s deputy, received free medical treatment in Turkey and “protection” from Turkish police.
✓ Head of ISIS in Turkey received “24/7 protection” under the personal order of President Erdogan.
✓ Turkish police investigations into ISIS are being systematically quashed.
✓ ISIS oil is sold with complicity of authorities in Turkey and Kurdish region of northern Iraq.
✓ NATO affirms Turkey’s role as ally in war on ISIS.
Well folks, if the President’s palace in Ankara can be compared to the administrative office of a regional Hell, Recep Erdogan and his intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan, a member of the Turkish branch of al-Qaida since the 1990s (according to a Turkish former counter-terrorism police chief) aptly fit the descriptions of Satan and Beelzebub respectively; but it wasn’t only Erdogan enriching his family by laundering ISIS & al-Qaida’s stolen oil and his intelligence chief Fidan arranging the shipments of weapons to ISIS & al-Qaida that laundered oil bought. Yeah, that’s what was going on with NATO’s Turkey [pun intended] through 2015, all as the complicit Western intelligence community has pretended the real problem is Assad. That is, that’s how it all went down until late 2015 when Russia stepped in shortly before the Syrian ‘regime’ would have collapsed to the takfiris. We can thank Orthodox Russia (and ‘Vlad’) Syria is not run by head-choppers with slave markets brought to you courtesy of NATO and ‘friends’ (including but not limited to Saudi money and Israeli weapons.)
But wait! It’s not ‘game over’ yet, ISIS leadership and core cadres seem to have found its way (as if by magic) to Afghanistan where they found ready logistics enough to become quickly established and I don’t think it was their arch-enemy Iran let them cross to relative safety let alone supports their new mission. How that happened is likely related to this next, where Erdogan is playing two sides (his habit of backstabbing), we begin with the preliminary circumstance:
“According to the [Sochi/Idlib] agreement [between Russia, Iran, Turkey], all heavy weaponry operated by opposition [opposed to Assad] factions must be pulled out of the demilitarized zone by October 10 and “terrorist groups” should be cleared by October 15″
It is 3 October as I write this, and that’s not happening, yet.
“The sources said Moscow already informed Tehran, Damascus and Ankara that in case the above conditions were not fully implemented, Russia would therefore immediately launch a military operation and airstrikes against Idlib
According to the sources, Russia and Turkey disagree over the depth of the decentralized zone, as Moscow is seeking to annex Idlib and other main cities to it [out of opposition control], but Ankara has rejected the offer
“The second disagreement is related to the two main roads linking Aleppo to Latakia and Hama, which are considered the “main artery of the North.” Russia asked that the Syrian regime control the M4 from Aleppo to Latakia and the M5 from Aleppo to Hama before 2019. However, Ankara insists that the roads remain monitored by Russia and Turkey”
Preceding, we see the Turkish side seeking to block Syria’s long term reassertion of sovereignty via access to the Idlib region.
“The third disagreement is related to the fate of extremists as Turkish officials want to transfer them to Kurdish-controlled areas while Russian officials insist on “terminating them””
This is the big disagreement in the near term, and the one we’ll be looking at a bit more closely.
“Also, the two sides disagree over the range of the Sochi agreement.
“Moscow wants it a temporary agreement similar to the ones implemented in the de-escalation areas of Daraa, Damascus Ghouta and Homs, while Ankara prefers to have it permanent, similar to the one implemented in the areas of Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations.
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In plain words, Erdogan wants to keep Idlib province as a ‘moderate jihadi’ Turkish ‘protectorate.’
“Both countries hope that a Russian-Turkish-French-German summit planned for next month could contribute to solving the disputes over Idlib”
This last bit is disingenuous on the Turkish side, Erdogan is playing for time to consolidate Idlib Province in Syria as a laundered al-Qaida controlled district and the Russians have noticed:
“Terrorist organizations Jabhat al-Nusra and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [both al-Qaida affiliates] have agreed, under pressure from Turkish intelligence, to disband and withdraw their forces from the demilitarized zone in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, Al Watan newspaper reported, citing sources with knowledge of the situation.
“Al-Watan newspaper reported, citing sources close to the Turkish Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, that Turkish intelligence had held several meetings with the leadership of these two groups.
“The sources said that Turkish intelligence had put pressure on the groups’ leaders, while also pledging that the government would not carry out a military operation in Idlib.
“Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, in turn, pledged to change its structure and alter its jihadist ideology so that Ankara does not qualify it as a terror organization any longer, the newspaper added.
“For its part, al-Nusra promised to withdraw its troops and heavy weapons from the demilitarized zone, without any official announcement of the move, according to the media.
“Al-Nusra further promised to disband its so-called “rescue government” that manages the territories the group controls in Idlib. Part of this government will merge with the interim government created by the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces”
So, Edogan’s intelligence people, whose boss is known to have held membership in al-Qaida, is rapidly changing al-Qaida’s label and reintegrating them to Idlib’s ‘moderate rebel’® governing structures. That sounds very far removed from Russia’s sensible determination to ‘terminate’ the takfiri terrorists even as Erdogan claims he is working with the Russians to eliminate the radicals. Meanwhile, as Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov had stated the task of isolating the radicals… “is not easy”and hoped that Turkey would “succeed”… it would appear it was easier than he could have imagined (far too easy, in fact.)
This analysts conclusion? Erdogan is in process of backstabbing Putin and it is not a wise choice, particularly considering Erdogan’s backstop is the Russophobic Trump administration’s desire to preserve and protect the bad players, doubtless so they may be employed to do the empire’s dirty deeds on another day:
^ “For the President, who is Commander in Chief, to act as the protective big brother of al-Qaeda and other jihadists must be condemned…”
Of course it should come as no surprise the USA’s so-called ‘efficient institution’ would work with American media to deny Americans this information; and go so far as to have the Department of Homeland Security warn Americans away from Russian media where these facts indeed ARE reported. No surprise, one might wonder? Well, no surprise if you’d had access to this bit of history:
“By the end of 1962 this nation had gone so far down the line following the Agency [CIA], the new Special Forces doctrine, the MAP [Military Assistance Plan], and the new U.S. philosophy as outlined in the President’s Committee report, that it was saying openly it was well on its way to carrying out as top national policy a major clandestine operation so big in fact that the entire government would be involved. Obviously, it could not be really clandestine in the sense that it would be kept secret from our enemies; on the contrary, it was a new kind of “clandestine”, so it would be kept secret from all Americans” –L. Fletcher Prouty, Pentagon liaison to the CIA
To carry this operation out, and see where we are today, it were only necessary for the CIA to establish a lap-dog American press. They’ve done it. The Russian press as alternative to American press most certainly isn’t a perfect vehicle but; the Russians will report the treason in DC whereas the Washington Post and New York Times will not.
*much of the intelligence linked to at had been reported on at (by yours truly) nearly a year previous. Credit to Nafeez Ahmed for independent sourcing and confirmation of the same.
former Special Forces Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.
Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul to waste… -Richards/Jagger
Beelzebub, than whom, Satan excepted, none higher sat -Milton
It wasn’t at all long ago*
✓ Turkey’s intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan, named as member of terror group linked to al-Qaeda and ISIS.
✓ Turkish intelligence directly supplied military aid to ISIS for years.
✓ Turkish government siphoned military supplies to ISIS through humanitarian relief agency.
✓ ISIS fighters, including al-Baghadi’s deputy, received free medical treatment in Turkey and “protection” from Turkish police.
✓ Head of ISIS in Turkey received “24/7 protection” under the personal order of President Erdogan.
✓ Turkish police investigations into ISIS are being systematically quashed.
✓ ISIS oil is sold with complicity of authorities in Turkey and Kurdish region of northern Iraq.
✓ NATO affirms Turkey’s role as ally in war on ISIS.
Well folks, if the President’s palace in Ankara can be compared to the administrative office of a regional Hell, Recep Erdogan and his intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan, a member of the Turkish branch of al-Qaida since the 1990s (according to a Turkish former counter-terrorism police chief) aptly fit the descriptions of Satan and Beelzebub respectively; but it wasn’t only Erdogan enriching his family by laundering ISIS & al-Qaida’s stolen oil and his intelligence chief Fidan arranging the shipments of weapons to ISIS & al-Qaida that laundered oil bought. Yeah, that’s what was going on with NATO’s Turkey [pun intended] through 2015, all as the complicit Western intelligence community has pretended the real problem is Assad. That is, that’s how it all went down until late 2015 when Russia stepped in shortly before the Syrian ‘regime’ would have collapsed to the takfiris. We can thank Orthodox Russia (and ‘Vlad’) Syria is not run by head-choppers with slave markets brought to you courtesy of NATO and ‘friends’ (including but not limited to Saudi money and Israeli weapons.)
But wait! It’s not ‘game over’ yet, ISIS leadership and core cadres seem to have found its way (as if by magic) to Afghanistan where they found ready logistics enough to become quickly established and I don’t think it was their arch-enemy Iran let them cross to relative safety let alone supports their new mission. How that happened is likely related to this next, where Erdogan is playing two sides (his habit of backstabbing), we begin with the preliminary circumstance:
“According to the [Sochi/Idlib] agreement [between Russia, Iran, Turkey], all heavy weaponry operated by opposition [opposed to Assad] factions must be pulled out of the demilitarized zone by October 10 and “terrorist groups” should be cleared by October 15″
It is 3 October as I write this, and that’s not happening, yet.
“The sources said Moscow already informed Tehran, Damascus and Ankara that in case the above conditions were not fully implemented, Russia would therefore immediately launch a military operation and airstrikes against Idlib
According to the sources, Russia and Turkey disagree over the depth of the decentralized zone, as Moscow is seeking to annex Idlib and other main cities to it [out of opposition control], but Ankara has rejected the offer
“The second disagreement is related to the two main roads linking Aleppo to Latakia and Hama, which are considered the “main artery of the North.” Russia asked that the Syrian regime control the M4 from Aleppo to Latakia and the M5 from Aleppo to Hama before 2019. However, Ankara insists that the roads remain monitored by Russia and Turkey”
Preceding, we see the Turkish side seeking to block Syria’s long term reassertion of sovereignty via access to the Idlib region.
“The third disagreement is related to the fate of extremists as Turkish officials want to transfer them to Kurdish-controlled areas while Russian officials insist on “terminating them””
This is the big disagreement in the near term, and the one we’ll be looking at a bit more closely.
“Also, the two sides disagree over the range of the Sochi agreement.
“Moscow wants it a temporary agreement similar to the ones implemented in the de-escalation areas of Daraa, Damascus Ghouta and Homs, while Ankara prefers to have it permanent, similar to the one implemented in the areas of Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations.
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In plain words, Erdogan wants to keep Idlib province as a ‘moderate jihadi’ Turkish ‘protectorate.’
“Both countries hope that a Russian-Turkish-French-German summit planned for next month could contribute to solving the disputes over Idlib”
This last bit is disingenuous on the Turkish side, Erdogan is playing for time to consolidate Idlib Province in Syria as a laundered al-Qaida controlled district and the Russians have noticed:
“Terrorist organizations Jabhat al-Nusra and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [both al-Qaida affiliates] have agreed, under pressure from Turkish intelligence, to disband and withdraw their forces from the demilitarized zone in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, Al Watan newspaper reported, citing sources with knowledge of the situation.
“Al-Watan newspaper reported, citing sources close to the Turkish Revolutionary People’s Liberation Front, that Turkish intelligence had held several meetings with the leadership of these two groups.
“The sources said that Turkish intelligence had put pressure on the groups’ leaders, while also pledging that the government would not carry out a military operation in Idlib.
“Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, in turn, pledged to change its structure and alter its jihadist ideology so that Ankara does not qualify it as a terror organization any longer, the newspaper added.
“For its part, al-Nusra promised to withdraw its troops and heavy weapons from the demilitarized zone, without any official announcement of the move, according to the media.
“Al-Nusra further promised to disband its so-called “rescue government” that manages the territories the group controls in Idlib. Part of this government will merge with the interim government created by the National Coalition for Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces”
So, Edogan’s intelligence people, whose boss is known to have held membership in al-Qaida, is rapidly changing al-Qaida’s label and reintegrating them to Idlib’s ‘moderate rebel’® governing structures. That sounds very far removed from Russia’s sensible determination to ‘terminate’ the takfiri terrorists even as Erdogan claims he is working with the Russians to eliminate the radicals. Meanwhile, as Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov had stated the task of isolating the radicals… “is not easy”and hoped that Turkey would “succeed”… it would appear it was easier than he could have imagined (far too easy, in fact.)
This analysts conclusion? Erdogan is in process of backstabbing Putin and it is not a wise choice, particularly considering Erdogan’s backstop is the Russophobic Trump administration’s desire to preserve and protect the bad players, doubtless so they may be employed to do the empire’s dirty deeds on another day:
^ “For the President, who is Commander in Chief, to act as the protective big brother of al-Qaeda and other jihadists must be condemned…”
Of course it should come as no surprise the USA’s so-called ‘efficient institution’ would work with American media to deny Americans this information; and go so far as to have the Department of Homeland Security warn Americans away from Russian media where these facts indeed ARE reported. No surprise, one might wonder? Well, no surprise if you’d had access to this bit of history:
“By the end of 1962 this nation had gone so far down the line following the Agency [CIA], the new Special Forces doctrine, the MAP [Military Assistance Plan], and the new U.S. philosophy as outlined in the President’s Committee report, that it was saying openly it was well on its way to carrying out as top national policy a major clandestine operation so big in fact that the entire government would be involved. Obviously, it could not be really clandestine in the sense that it would be kept secret from our enemies; on the contrary, it was a new kind of “clandestine”, so it would be kept secret from all Americans” –L. Fletcher Prouty, Pentagon liaison to the CIA
To carry this operation out, and see where we are today, it were only necessary for the CIA to establish a lap-dog American press. They’ve done it. The Russian press as alternative to American press most certainly isn’t a perfect vehicle but; the Russians will report the treason in DC whereas the Washington Post and New York Times will not.
*much of the intelligence linked to at had been reported on at (by yours truly) nearly a year previous. Credit to Nafeez Ahmed for independent sourcing and confirmation of the same.
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