Κυριακή 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

What's going on in Somalia?

What's going on in Somalia? situation for January 29 - February 4, 2023 Tensions remain in Somalia (https://t.me/rybar/43076). Government forces carried out several operations against al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab, killing more than 150 militants, according to official figures. However, during the summit in Mogadishu, the leaders of Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya agreed to launch a joint military campaign against Islamic extremists.

However, one should not expect a quick defeat of the militants. Despite the advance of the Somali troops and the financial problems of the group itself, Al-Shabab still retains its combat capability. 🔻Foreign policy contacts ▪️President of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud held a meeting with US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, after which the American side provided the African Republic with more than $41 million. The allocated funds should be used to improve the humanitarian situation in the region. ▪️A summit of heads of state and government was held in Mogadishu, which was attended by Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Gelle, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, Kenyan President William Ruto, and Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud. In preparation for the arrival of foreign delegates, security measures were significantly strengthened in the capital: additional forces were pulled in and access to the city was temporarily restricted. The main goal of the summit is the consolidation of countries to fight the terrorist group Al-Shabaab. In a general statement, the heads of state pointed to the need to plan a unified strategy against the militants. At the same time, it was noted that the complete destruction of Islamic extremists could occur within two years. ▪️The leadership of Somalia continues to send representatives of law enforcement agencies to Eritrea, Uganda, Ethiopia and Egypt for training. The instructors are mainly specialists from the USA and Turkey. According to the statements (https://www.garoweonline.com/en/news/somalia/somalia-sends-thousands-of-army-recruits-to-foreign-countries-for-training) of the Somali authorities, about 15 thousand military personnel. 🔻Battle Showdown ▪️Government troops are reinforcing the defense and concentrating additional forces to the line of contact. At the same time, the Somali National Army launched several attacks on Al-Shabaab positions in the central part of the country. The largest operation was carried out in the province of Lower Shabelle: according to (https://www.caasimada.net/deg-deg-136-xubnood-oo-ka-tirsan-al-shabaab-oo-howlgal-lagu-dilay-90 -la-dhaawacay/) of the authorities, the losses of the terrorists amounted to 136 killed and 98 wounded. One of the liquidated militants was Maallin Salahei, one of the leaders of Al-Shabab, responsible for organizing terrorist attacks in the region. ▪️Somali military personnel carried out a series of arrests of citizens suspected of having links with militants in different parts of the country, including in the capital region. On charges of collusion with Al-Shabaab, six elders were arrested in the area of the city of Khalgan. ▪️Islamic extremists continue to attack the positions of government troops and administrative buildings in major cities of the country. During the summit in Mogadishu, militants fired mortars at the vicinity of the presidential palace - this is the third attack on the capital in the past few days. ▪️According to the Somali media, Al-Shabaab has worsened financial problems, which, among other things, led to food shortages (https://www.caasimada.net/daawo-al-shabaab-oo-la-shaaciyey-inay-gaajo -ugu-dhimanayaan-hirshabeelle/) among militants, as well as a sharp decrease (https://www.caasimada.net/xog-mushaarka-xoogaga-al-shabaab-oo-hoos-u-dhacay-sababta/) wages. This information is indirectly confirmed by the increase in the number of cases of unauthorized leaving of positions by terrorists with subsequent surrender. On Sunday, the Russian Embassy in Somalia reported that Islamic extremists had fired on a Russian helicopter belonging to the UTair airline on January 23. As a result of the incident, no one was injured. 🔻Other events ▪️The international non-governmental organization Transparency International recognized (https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022/index/bgr) Somalia as the most corrupt country in the world. ▪️The situation in Lasanod remains tense. Elders and local leaders discuss the possibility of the city leaving Samoliland. In turn, the president of the self-proclaimed republic, Musa Bihi Abdi, linked (https://somaliguardian.com/news/somalia-news/somaliland-president-blames-terrorists-for-deadly-violence-in-lasanod/) protests in the region with manifestations international terrorism.

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